Cheryl Brown

ZEALRIVER Technologies, Inc.
Montgomery , AL 36104
Ph: 3342214567

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  About Me

Meet Cheryl W. Brown Cheryl W. Brown is the founder and chief executive officer of ZealRiver Technologies, Inc., and the managing partner of a Joint Venture Mentor Protégé, ZRS Solutions. Both companies are leading Information Technology corporations providing commercial and federal services throughout the continental United States. Cheryl Brown pursued her ultimate dream of becoming a business owner after obtaining her B.S. from Troy University. After spending more than 25 years supporting the U.S. Department of Defense, Brown decided to incorporate her dream while setting an example for her two young sons in 2016. As the CEO, Brown is responsible for developing and implementing business strategies and processes that foster organizational growth. Brown previously served in multiple roles as a government contractor for Standard Systems Group and supported mission critical projects throughout the United States from Combat Information Transport, Air Force Total Lifecycle Acquisition Support, Keesler AFB Water Lift Project (after Hurricane Katrina), and North American Aerospace Defense Command. Since her days supporting the Air Force as a young college intern, Ms. Brown has fostered a culture of customer satisfaction, shared ideas, diversity and inclusivity which has formed the foundation of ZealRiver’s success. ZealRiver has extensive expertise in a wide array of emerging technical competencies: Enterprise Network Solutions & Services IT, and Advisory & Assistance Services. ZealRiver has multiple SBA certifications: WOSB, EDWOSB, 8a, DBE, DBE-AC, MBE. Ms. Brown is a member and supporter of the following organizations: • Murdock Chapel A.M.E Trustee and Usher • SBA Emerging Leader • Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce Member; 2016 – Present • Montgomery AFCEA Chapter; Treasurer; 2007 – Present • Freedman’s Bureau Records Historian Volunteer • Inner City Evangelism (ICE) Volunteer • Camp Blue Lake Methodist Counselor • American Cancer Society Volunteer • Meals on Wheels • Hospice Montgomery Volunteer • Women of the Grapevine • RAK Up Foundation • Shoes That Fit